A high school diploma or equivalent is required for admission. Advanced standing is not granted for previously attained college or graduate degrees.
The tuition for the complete online course is $4,440 for the Counselor of Natural Health diploma, and $5,400 for the Doctor of Naturopathy diploma. The course includes downloads of lectures, text, assignments, and exams. The cost does not include the required outside reading books, but these can be purchased online or through Amazon at reduced rates.
Payment in full or a payment plan is required in order to have access to the course material. Credit card or PayPal is accepted.
Payment plans are available through PayPal*:
Counselor of Natural Health: $185 per month for 24 payments ($4,440)
Combined Counselor of Natural Health and ND diplomas: $225 per month for 24 payments ($5,400)
*Payment plans must be completed before diplomas will be released to the student.
A student may withdraw from the course at any time; however, full refunds will only be offered within the first 7 days of logging into the online domain. After 7 days, the amount the student will receive back will deplete by a stacking 10% each month, up to 6 months. After 6 months there will be no refunds provided.
Fill out the online application, by clicking the link below.
Please follow the payment instructions in the application.
Once we have approved your application and processed payment, you will be able to register for a unique Username and Password to access the course information. If you have any questions please feel free to email us at